Wednesday, September 2, 2009


My name is Katherine, and I'm excited to be starting in the SLIS program at UW-Madison. This is my second blog, the first having been created during my time living in Tanzania, East Africa. Check it out ( and be sure to visit back here for all the exciting SLIS updates and development of my own librarianship trek - coming straight your way from Kate@SLIS!

1 comment:

  1. Kate, do you have any ties with K12 teachers or students in Tanzania now? ePals is free for K12 students worldwide. The company has an agreement with the ministry of education in Kenya to use ePals, and I would love to see this offered to more students in Tanzania too.
    Teachers can sign up to be part of the global community (an online profile describing their classroom) and can also get free, secure ePals SchoolMail.
    In addition, as you may already know, the state of Wisconsin has "endorsed" ePals for use in K12 Wisconsin schools. The founder, Tim DiScipio, was in Madison last Monday to meet with people in the School of Education and a foundation. A school media specialist who knows ePals and close by is Kathy Sanders in Monona Grove. And here's someone in the School of Education you might want to talk to, I think a former school librarian:
    Jo Ann Carr
    carr at education dot wisc dot edu
    Media, Education Resources & Information Technology
    School of Education
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
